What does it mean to live your life?
I had been meaning to take a walk around my apartment complex for some time now in order to track the calories and distance for a single lap. My goal is to find small achievable ways to eat less calories and burn more calories in a single day. I’ve heard that walking is the secret assassin for fat and so I decided to give it a whirl. Well, funny enough as I finally had that sweet spot in between having time, and having motivation, it began to pour; forecast of 100% chance of rain. Here is where I stood at the cross roads of the day. I could skip the walk and just go to the store as I had planned, or I could grab the umbrella out of my car and take the damn walk. I feel as if at this point most people would have skipped the walk and would have made the same excuses swimming in my head. My shoes will get wet, so will my socks. I’ll likely get my shirt and pants wet as well. If I grab the mail on my trek around the complex, that too will risk getting wet. Blahblahblah…
What I did was I turned off that annoying excuse maker and just let my feet carry me toward the umbrella. No more over thinking! Silence. Who cares if I get a little wet? It will dry. They are material things, even if they got destroyed it wouldn’t be too difficult to get new socks…stop procrastinating! Live life!
Now I find myself walking in the rain. A slight discomfort as the water seeps into my (no longer) dry socks but, a strange and welcoming calmness washed over me. You know that feeling when you’re unknowingly tensed up and then something (whether it be warmth when you’re cold, you’re offered the job after a stressful interview, you finally make it to the restroom, etc.) causes your muscles to relax? That’s how I felt as I had kept my commitment to myself. It was nice, really. The rain was softly pattering on the asphalt, the wind was blowing the leaves in the trees. There was a grey hue to everything as the city and mountains opaqued from the falling rain. By ignoring my excuse maker and choosing to take my walk and risk getting wet, I had inadvertently thrown myself into a peaceful and relaxing moment.
This makes me wonder. Is the purpose of life to muck about the day and put ourselves in situations to randomly find peace within ourselves? Why can’t I find this moment more often and on purpose? This also makes me wonder why us humans, with our one life, find meaning in working a 9 to 5 job. What’s the point of working hard, to save money, start a business, and then coast off the dividends? Is there not more to it all? The cool cars, the fancy shoes, the big house? Even just the comfort? Why does it feel selfish to think just about myself and my family?
What am I missing? How can we find our inner peace, while still being comfortable in our modern world, while also helping others do the same? What’s the secret code here? How can I live life?
I want the peace in finding fulfillment, the money to be comfortable, and the time to discover myself and what all these thoughts mean.
Questions or Concerns? You can find me at Charlietriesblog@gmail.com. Thank you for reading!